Zoa tank with clowns?


New member
I am beginnig a new tank at the end of the year and I have to say my most favorite corals are the zoas.

I was considering keeping just a few fish in my new tank since it will only be a max 23 gal. I definately want a pair of clowns, and I'm not sure what else.

I was wondering if I could keep an entire zoa tank with a BTA for my clowns to host in. Would this be a good idea?

Here's an 9 month old pic of the zoas I am going to frag from the 75 gallon I am leaving at my boyfriends. I am also going to take a few of the green and browns which hitchhiked into our tank. Unfortunately I do not have a pic of them at this time.


Thanks for the info!
I wouldn't put a BTA in a 23 gallon, but you can. Why not add in a 6-line wrasse and call it a day :)?
I second the no-bta thing. Your clowns will be fine without it. A bta requires such precise conditions and a 23 is simply too small to expect the kind of stability in water quality that it requires. Anyway, you can do what you like, but... Good luck with whatever you decide!!
instead of an anenome, why not try a frogspawn, torch, or hammer LPS? clowns host in those all of the time.
I have to agree with the bta not going into a tank that small. Clowns don't really need a host and there's a good chance that they won't even host it if you put it in there anyway :lol: I think surf's idea of frogspawn, torch or hammer would be good. If the clowns are going to host in anything to begin with they will most likely host in there.
They'll host in toadstools and colt corals, too. There are a number of adaptives. My wife's Cinnamon hosted in some yellow polyps (until she wiped them out;)).

BTA's can get pretty big. IME, they aren't as delicate as you usually hear. I've had the same mother for about four years now and have forced clones through feeding and unintentionally through a bad RO membrane (went from 2-8 anemones in less than four days). Mine split when stressed. That all said, you don't want a BTA in a 23, esp. if it isn't going to be a BTA tank;). Mine were 10-12" in diameter (more elliptical), so they can take up some room.
My clowns are hosting in some palythoas. They will wiggle into them, then stay almost perfectly still. Strange to see, but still cool.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7314271#post7314271 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rubysmomma1
Thanks for the info. I like hammers and frogspawn, but can't they get rather large too?

if you have a very stable alkalinity, they can grow new branches pretty fast. but you can just get a pair of fragging sheers and cut them smaller when you need to, and sell the frags or something