Zoa Zoo Startup


New member
Hi all

I have a 120, 2 x 2 x 4. With regards to lighting a typical 2 x 150W (14000K) MH with 4 T5's, 2 x Cool White and 2 x Actinic. I kind of take what I can here in Vietnam so it's an Oddysea fixture. The bulbs have been changed out to Ushio on the MH and whatever white T5's I could find to take the edge off the blue. Very basic setup in other regards, 70kg local live rock (Very Good Stuff!!!), a 1 1/4" bulkhead fitting for an overflow (No Bean Animal Here) and the return is just 1/2" PVC looped over the back glass. Bare sump with a Bubble Magus Curve 7 Skimmer. The overflow just dumps to a pipe with a filter sock hanging off of it.

I dose homemade 2 part manually and use NSW for my water changes and don't have an RO unit. I get lab grade triple distilled water delivered to the house in 20ltr containers. Thats about it for the setup, oh and I have a chiller (commercial unit for seafood) 1 1/2hp.

The tank has been set up about 5 months, the water isn't perfect but not bad, pretty much just left everything alone with a few fish LPS corals etc.

Parameters are pretty much like this:

Ca = 400-460
DKH = 7-9
Temp 27-30C
SG 1.025
N3 = around 35 (somewhere between 50 and 25 on my tester)

I just did a water change, only the second since the tank cycled, around 15% yesterday and I plan on another today so I reckon that will bring the N3 down some more. I have a substrate just some local almost reef rubble mixed size stuff not very thick.

I don't dose or add anything else, no gfo, no gac. At any rate; my 2 favorite threads on here at RC are Dialup and Zoa Freak (Pork Sandwich). I really want to get a Zoa Zoo going! I am not interested in SPS, overrated and pretty straightforward nowadays. I got my first Acropora around 1991. Once I started down that road (it was new at the time) I couldn't get any kind of Zoa or Mushroom to do much more than survive. I actually saw alot of cool stuff I had been keeping just slowly disappear. Not really dying more like just starving I guess.

Given that info, with what I have at this point; what do you guys recommend I do with what I have to get a Zoa Zoo started? I should mention that I want to maintain only species from this part of the world SE Asia. Just for authenticity.

Thanks in advance

Vietnam zoos are awesome. I want to see whole wall full of eagle eyes!!!!!
And yes sps or colored sticks are horrible lol. If you do a bi-weekly 20% water change you can be without dosing or anything else. Looking forward to your pictures and if you need any help pm me.
Agree with Josh if your using NSW ( which contains all the trace elements you need ) I don't think you need to dose unless your corals are taking in more than what's being delivered in your WC's.

Your lighting should be good as Z's and P's can be housed even under PC's but the color and growth won't be as good as if they were under Halide's, T5s or LEDs
BTW- there ARE lots of nice Vietnam Z's and P's out there. =)

Dont get caught up in names or fads/hype. Buy the coral that you like.
Thanks guys. So you guys reckon that NSW water changes should be enough? Glad to here an opinion from you guys since you have about the best out there. That is good news about the dosing also. I work offshore so when I'm away, the wife watches the tank and her Nephew does the water changes. I am going to head out to Fish Street a little later and see what they have. I doubt that they call them Eagle Eyes or Fruit Loops and that kind of name anyhow LOL. I will provide an update.
OK so I'm a terrible photographer, here is my attempt at uploading todays trip down Fish Boulevard in Old Saigon.

Photo of a shop on phish st. That huge tank would look great in my new house lol. Sorry for poor quality.

One of my rescue corals. A baby Elegance. Now it's two after sustaining an injury. I have a couple Elegance like this now. They are abundant but alot of times just a bunch thrown in a tank. They do fine with some TLC. I didn't take any pics in the shops that sell these in case they got angry. I have a buch of stuff I brought home. I tried a few pics but couldn't gt them to work out since I had a couple fish that were freaking and I wanted to get the lights off. I will post some afternoon my time after they open up. BTW, I am using a PaS digital camera. I have been playing with the settings but that makes things worse. When I try to take the flash off or whatever it seems like this thing tries to focus on the glass not the subject. It's a Fuji 100 waterproof thing. Any suggestions?


nice.. slow and steady. is best advice i can give.

Thanks Charles. I didn't go crazy. about 8 small pieces for a fairly empty 120. I will heed the advice. Not to mention, around these parts who knows what you might come accross? Best to leave some space!!!
also please dip and inspect any new additions for said pests.


as you add more corals and other inhabitants you need your current system to catch up to that new bioload

Hey Charles.

What dip do you recommend. I just put a drop of Lugals in ablout half a gallon of water. Anything else I ought to be doing? I don't have access to alot of fancy chemicals packaged for the Reef trade so I am stuck making my own.

