Zoanthid Growth And Vitamin C Dosing


New member
I have been using around 1-2 teaspoons a day of vitamin C.

Some changes I have noticed were increased colors and growth of my zoas including dragon eyes, alfa and omega, pink aurora, red hornets, and fire and ice.

I am happy with these results which have developed over the course of 1 to 1 1/2 months.

Another change I've noticed is my skimmer has been picking up much more junk! This effect was apparent immediately after dosing. It probably fills up about twice as fast now!

What kind of changes have you noticed with dosage vitamin c & at what dosage?

I just got done looking through the other topic on Vit C and am wondering what brand you are using. Can I just run over to wally world and grab something there, or do I need to order the Iherb life stuff?

Ascorbic acid is a source of organic carbon. Personally, I prefer vodka and vinegar.The skimmer is removing the organics and the bacteria that are encouraged by it.
Ascorbic acid is a source of organic carbon. Personally, I prefer vodka and vinegar.The skimmer is removing the organics and the bacteria that are encouraged by it.

+1. Its a good idea to know what the carbon is doing before adding it blindly.
I just got done looking through the other topic on Vit C and am wondering what brand you are using. Can I just run over to wally world and grab something there, or do I need to order the Iherb life stuff?


I think you would just want to get pure buffered vitamin c from i herb, rather than one with other added ingredients that can interfere with regular water parameters.
I have use the walgreens brand the one with out rosebud just plain vitamin c and it seems to do the job just fine.