Zoanthid is extremely toxic to me?


New member
I've been reading how toxic some Zoanthids can be online and it has freaked me out! I'd like some feedback from anyone who deals with Zoas in their tank. Does anyone take any special precaution? Is there actually something to worry about or is the toxin almost never released/prevalent in most Zoas? Are some types more likely to be toxic? Such as the more colorful/exotic/expensive polyps.

I believe I read online there was only 1 case ever of a death, does anyone know if people actually die?
Price shouldn't be a factor for it. They have something called palytoxin in them which can be fatal, but it usually depends upon the individual. If you just get some aquarium gloves when handling them and make sure you don't rub your eyes or something like that after handling them, you'll be fine.
I know that they will sometime "squirt" when being fragged. The toxin is what is realeased, and if it gets in your eye can cause seriuos damage. That's why you sould always wear eye protection, and golves when fragging them. As far as handeling them in your tank, you are not in any danger that I have ever heard of.
I know that they will sometime "squirt" when being fragged. The toxin is what is realeased, and if it gets in your eye can cause seriuos damage. That's why you sould always wear eye protection, and golves when fragging them. As far as handeling them in your tank, you are not in any danger that I have ever heard of.

+1 glasses and rubbergloves when you frag zoos.even live rock has bacteria that can be harmful to you.use hand sanitizer and wash your hands well after doing anything inside your tank.better to be safe then sorry.
I read somewhere that a zoa or paly actually have enough palytoxin to kill a human but you'd actually have to be a complete idiot and eat them lol If you get squirted in the eye it very well could make you blind chances are maybe not but do you want to risk it? If you get it in a cut or something it can make you very sick for a couple weeks. Palytoxins are the deadliest known toxin on earth as far as i know. So just dont be stupid take your time take precautions and youll be fine. They dont sting or bite so if you get poisoned its 100% human error
Okay well I always wash my hands really well after touching the water or anything for my tank so it sounds like I should be alright. :rollface:

Palytoxins are the deadliest known toxin on earth as far as i know.r
I thought I read it was second deadliest, but either way it sound scary haha.
i would imagine the only way to get poisoned would be an open would, eating them or running them in hot water and inhaling the vapor.
Cool info about the legend...


Palytoxin: History and Prehistory

Written Record:

David Malo, 1838, HAWAIIAN ANTIQUITIES, Translated from the Hawaiian by N.E.Emerson, 1898, Bishop Museum Press, Special Publication 2, Second Edition, 1971, Honolulu.
"In Muolea, in the district of Hana, grew a poisonous moss in a certain pool or pond close to the ocean. It was used to smear on the spear points, to make them fatal. The moss is said to be of a reddish color and is still to be found. It grows nowhere else than at that one spot."

Ancient Legend:

Again nighttime wails of anguish pierced the air above a small Hawaiian fishing village on the island of Maui near the harbor of Hana. That evening, when all the outrigger canoes had returned from the sea with the day's catch, yet another fishermen was missing. Desperately seeking answers, the villagers placed the blame on the hump-backed loner living in the cliff above.
Swarming up the ridge and ripping the tapa cloak from his back, they uncovered gaping rows of triangular teeth within a huge mouth. They had caught a Shark God, one with an insatiable lust for human flesh. Their suspicions were correct. Each day after the canoes went out fishing, the hunchback had leisurely come past the village and gone swimming for his breakfast.
The enraged fishermen mercilessly ripped the hunchback to pieces and burned him completely. His ashes were thrown into a nearby tide pool. But, the continuing malevolence of the demon slowly transformed the pond into a pool of death. Ugly little brown anemones began to cloak its walls. Much later, it was found that these "limu", when smeared on the tip of a dagger or spear, would perpetuate the evil of the Shark God by bringing sure death to the victim. Thus, the stationary little animals in the tide pool came to be known as the "Limu Make O Hana" (Seaweed of Death from Hana).

Modern Legend:

By 1961, University of Hawaii researchers interested in local natural products had discovered Malo's writings about a Hawaiian spear poison, Limu Make O Hana. Only a few Maui natives remained who knew where the Limu Make O Hana grew, but none would tell. Finally, after drinking enough Okole Maluna (a local brew from the ti plant), one of them led the scientists to the sacred tide pool. As the biologists prepared to take specimens, a group of natives interrupted them. These announced that by an ancient cures the pond was "kapu", and warned that if anything was disturbed, the evil of the curse would be activated. Smiling, the scientists said, "We don't believe in superstition", and took their samples. Coincidentally, on that same day a fire destroyed the main laboratory building of the Hawaiian Institute of Marine Biology on Coconut Island in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. The anemone samples taken, proved to be a new species, which was named Palythoa toxica* and contained the deadly poison, palytoxin.