Zoanthid & Palythoa Photographs/Tanks/Videos

These are a couple that I picked up for $20.00 bucks each. They have done o.k under T5 lighting and heavy water flow. I run the lights about 10 hours per day. I keep the p.h. at 8.2 and the Cal. about 400. I don't add anything else just the occasional cyclopeas. I have the in a 30 gal tank. I am not real good with salt water because I just got into it but I must be doing o.k, I have had these now for about a year.
These are a couple that I picked up for $20.00 bucks each. They have done o.k under T5 lighting and heavy water flow. I run the lights about 10 hours per day. I keep the p.h. at 8.2 and the Cal. about 400. I don't add anything else just the occasional cyclopeas. I have the in a 30 gal tank. I am not real good with salt water because I just got into it but I must be doing o.k, I have had these now for about a year.


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What's your favorite type of zoa? Mine has always been eagle eyes, I've had @ 35 different over the years, and these have always had a place in my tank!
Here are some of my zoo's

Here are some of my zoo's

not sure what these are called but i think these are cool looking. I haven't seen any that look like these.

Yellow button polyps

I Think these are fire&ice zoo's

my red people eater's

brown button polyps

I think these are implosion palys

I'm not sure what these are called

I any one knows the names of some of these let me know.
Yo!! Yep still around just been lurking ;) PPE colony is doing great it must be over 40 polyps now.

Got some diopters for my camera so i might be putting up more pics now :D
I just found my new favorite thread. One thing that would be a lot better than just pics (which I totally love) is more about lights, placement in the tank since most are so close and any feeding of food or chemicals.