zoanthid skirts NEVER open? but they grow..


New member
anyone else have this problem? all my zoanthids grow, but never really open up no matter where i move them. they are growing great, but i never see there colors. they have all been dipped before entry so no pests. its been like this for 4 months. params are fine
every colony closes once in my tank. lighting is t5s with individual reflectors. the lights are like 4 months old. i started every zoanthid i got on the bottom for like first week of acclimation, than slowly moved them up to where they needed to be based on if the base was reaching for light. they just never opened... but still grow. they normall stay open for a couple days than just never open again.
That's what I thought..is that what it looks like or did u Photoshop?would love to see a full pic of it.I love plates
uhmm might want to try shading them. why would you raise zoas in a t5 with indivualr reflectors.. they should be on the bottom and possibly shaded.
Yeah mine hate my MH frag tank lighting -- they really never come out but the shaded ones in my main tank open just fine.
they stretch up which is an indicator for more light. they are placed in mid tank and still stretch a little. when i shaded them they where almost like stalks..