Zoanthid Topic of the Week info


Premium Member
Zoanthid Topic of the Week:

TOTW would allow members of all levels of experience to discuss common issues, questions, concerns, and all the interesting details to keep our Zoanthids thriving. There are a lot of experienced and dedicated aquarists in this forum, a lot of people looking to learn and share what they know ... hopefully these topics can allow us all to learn something, as well as to guide those who are looking to purchase their first zoanthid frag.

TOTW is based on suggestions submitted here, and may be amended as more improvements are suggested.

Topics can be submitted to: middletonmark@reefcentral.com and with guidance from the other Zoanthid Mods and Mucho, we will do our best to select a wide variety of topics that we can explore.

As always, these discussions work as everything on the internet. While we are free to completely disagree, it's only by respecting each other's opinion, ideas and views, that the TOTW threads will be allowed to continue. If it turns into a word or idea bashing contest, you can kiss it goodbye.

We're all learning in this hobby, we all do things slightly different -and yet many gain success with different methods. Let's keep this in mind. Remember, the more we learn - the more our zoanthids will thrive.
Zoanthid Topic of the Week - Topic List

This idea was not mine, and I would like to thank the folks who inspired this, prodded me to get this going, and most of all for their great ideas to get this going. And you, with all the suggestions you'll send :)

As noted above, please email middletonmark@reefcentral.com suggestions - leave this thread for suggestions on how we can improve this series.

Given I plan to be in this hobby for another decade, or a few ... it's unlikely there can be weekly topics still going in 2019 ;)

But as long as there's desire, discussion, and everyone plays nice [and topics] ... let's talk about zoanthids.
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I mentioned this idea in Mucho's original thread so I thought I would bring it up again here.

I appreciate you taking the time to put together the TOTW threads. I look forward to participating as much as I can.

If the TOTW is going to be a forum sticky, can we clean up the other stickies at the top of the forum? Possibly do a "Zoanthid FAQ and Info" thread that contains links to the current stickies. This will help to minimize the clutter and allow users to not skip over the TOTW thread along with the other stickies.