Hydrogen peroxide is transparent and it's hard for us to see how strong it is for the polyps to take more than 50% of if. Next time try to do a 1 part H2O2 to 3 parts of water. It works better that way.
The polys have stopped shedding. Now What i see is most of them still close but they have couple of their skirt tentacles popping out while its closed. Its like they are trying to reach out and open up.
It was funny how only those ones were affected that way. I did quite a few at that ratio and were all good. Guess they were just more sensitive than the others.
Thanks will do. It was funny how only those ones were affected that way. I did quite a few at that ratio and were all good. Guess they were just more sensitive than the others.
Can I ask why you choose to do freshwater instead of tank water? Have you had better luck that way? I have a Valida frag that came with some briopsis on it and maybe I will try the freshwater route instead. Any reason not to do freshwater on SPS? Thanks
I am definitely not touching them. I was planning on doing a water change this weekend. Should I postpone it?
thats because different species slime different when under attack. the more slime the more time;P
Do you use 4 parts of H2O2 to 1 part of distilled water?
Ack! Sorry, no... 4:1 distilled water to peroxide. :lol2:
Transformation of zoa with the wrong ratio:
I do 50/50 peroxide to tank water dips on all new zoanthids, the thing is you absolutely must put them in decent flow afterwards or you'll have the issues like you had where they don't open up and they can eventually slime up and die off. Put them in higher flow asap and you'll see them get better pretty quickly.
It's harsh but they do make it, the thing is it nukes anything on the plug which is really important for me. To get rid of the dinos I just had to stop changing the water for like 6 months, lost a lot of stuff but that was the only thing that finally worked.