first off...that is not how you want to go about raising the salinity. by adding the salt like that you instantly made most all calcium fall out of solution and skewed the alk to very low(in concern to the salt you added and all water that flowed through that filter sock while the alk was off the charts). Dependign on what your levels were to begin with, its hard to say what the end result would be without testing. Im willing to bet you have at least a little white stuff stuck to the sides of your sump and inside the filter sock. this is calcium that will never go back into solution
how do you mix up your asw out of curiousity?? Make sure you dump it slowly into water that is either spinning by hand, or spinning with a pump. this mixes it slowly and wont let it mix up in such a way that the alk is off the charts and create precipitation of calicum and who knwos what other elements we cant measure for
In the future, what you did isnt all that big of a deal, the initial drop that is. Corals can take a drop in salinity, its the quick rises that are a poblem as it can cause osmotic shock. the best way to raise salinity(assuming it isnt dangerously below .020 is to simply use new freshly mixed asw for your top offs until the salinity is in line. It would have taken days or more to bring it up this way depending on how much watr you evaporate, but it would be a safe way to raise it and you wouldnt have lost the good stuff in the salt that you want
bringing your salinity up 4 points in two days is a little too fast, but not so fast that it should cause that big of problems that you are seeing with your polyps. check your calcium and alk...most importantly alk and make sure it is in line. Im guessing it and your calcium is low, calcium, isnt so important prpbabl;y depending, but the alk could be depending on how low it is.
some water changes may be in order to get the tanks water back in line. but repost back what your paramters are. alk calcium and mag(if you have it). nothing else really matters for this conversation