Zoas annoyed by decorator crab?


New member
I've gotten a few frags of zoas over the past few weeks that have stopped opening suddenly. They have been closed for about a week now. I thought it may have been pests but I have dipped them all twice in hydrogen peroxide and water then some revive and didn't see any change in their behavior over the past few days. I noticed that my decorator crab stole a few polyps and stuck them on his head. He walks over the coral too but I don't know if it is enough to keep them closed for this long. Nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are all 0, sg 1.028 and pH 8.2. Any thoughts?
it's possible. Some things close to grow or heal. I've noticed my decorator naturally gets things stuck on him, like bits of food.. So it could be chemical thing via the crab. I just got one of these suckers.. Do you have any fish in with yours or other coral? Other invertebrates?
Oh, I would say it's very possible. Crabs, hermits even cucumbers can damage or irritate zoas. My suggestion is to keep watching and check also for other predators at night. Perhaps fishes like angels, butterflies could nip on zoas"¦

Oh, I would say it's very possible. Crabs, hermits even cucumbers can damage or irritate zoas. My suggestion is to keep watching and check also for other predators at night. Perhaps fishes like angels, butterflies could nip on zoas…
