Hello All,
I hope this is the best place to post this question. I recently helped some friends set up a reef tank, I've done my best with answering their questions but this one truly has me stumped. They have lost 2 Zoa frag's in the last 2 weeks. Both have had strange pods/bugs on them. All tank parameters are good, the system is a 28 bowfront w/ a 10 gal sump, ran by a mag 5, and Aqua C remora skimmer. I've looked this bug up and it seems to be a Amphiod or Microfauna but by no means am I certain. Even though you hear these pods are good could they be attacking the corals? Or is there a pest that looks similar to them? That my searching can not find. The picture below is the bugs off a frag that I've just quarantined, I used Revive before putting it in quarantine. If this is a pest what can be done to eliminate the problem? My thoughts are to take the other corals out and Revive them. But prefer not to have to destroy what they've worked so hard on. But I also understand that if this is the only solution than it needs to be done. Thank you.
I hope this is the best place to post this question. I recently helped some friends set up a reef tank, I've done my best with answering their questions but this one truly has me stumped. They have lost 2 Zoa frag's in the last 2 weeks. Both have had strange pods/bugs on them. All tank parameters are good, the system is a 28 bowfront w/ a 10 gal sump, ran by a mag 5, and Aqua C remora skimmer. I've looked this bug up and it seems to be a Amphiod or Microfauna but by no means am I certain. Even though you hear these pods are good could they be attacking the corals? Or is there a pest that looks similar to them? That my searching can not find. The picture below is the bugs off a frag that I've just quarantined, I used Revive before putting it in quarantine. If this is a pest what can be done to eliminate the problem? My thoughts are to take the other corals out and Revive them. But prefer not to have to destroy what they've worked so hard on. But I also understand that if this is the only solution than it needs to be done. Thank you.