Zoas Dying Back


New member
Over the past month I've watched my tub blues decimate. The Polyps would close up and slowly shrink in size until it disappeared. I have no clue whats going on.

Zoas are in a 50gallon tank with 5 T5's , 3 blue plus and 2 blue specials. Flow 2 9025 tunzes.

Current Tank Parem
PH 7.4 I know this is low but not sure if it can cause zoas to dye off
Nitrate 0
Calcium 500
Phosphate .25
Ammonia 0
ok I do have a bunch of astrina star fish...... They do crowd around the zoas and keep them closed.

Just great how do you exterminate them?? Has anyone been able to manually pick them out and exterminate them?
I've heard of using harlequin shrimp. Unfortunately all they eat is starfish so once your asternas are gone you will have to feed them with other stars.
Yea, I've heard harlequin shrimp too. I'd do a dip of the infected colony though because I'd be willing to bet there is something else besides the asterina stars that you're just not seeing looking at them while they're inside the tank... Maybe not but I think it's worth a try.
pH 7.4 is enough to start dissolving your rock/sand if that's accurate - is that pH probe (calibrated?) or titration test?

Phosphate level is pretty high - if you can read 0.25, it's likely MUCH higher unless you are getting that from a Hanna meter. Get some GFO and keep up your water changes.