Zoas for trade


Angelfish Nerd
Premium Member
Let me know what ya got. Located in Highland, IL
Some of the names I know of.

Blue steel


Punk rockers

Pink diamonds

Goblins on fire

eagle eye

Tubbs blue

Reverse gorilla nipples
Most of what I have comes from either Dave (Nanook) or Bradley. So, if you’ve traded with them you likely have what I mostly have. I’ll put a list together though and we can see if there’s a mutual interest in a trade.
My frag tank is going through a cyano outbreak right now, but when it recovers I can send you some pictures. I have sunny d's, red hornets, purple pocillipora, forest fire montipora, kryptonite candy canes, and just... a whole bunch of other stuff, lol.

Whatever is in the bottom left of the last picture looks really cool, I'd be happy to trade for a piece of it.

For SPS, I’ve got Blue Slimer, Copps Turquoise Hoeckzema (both from Dave/Nanook) and what I believe is A. cophodactyla. Also, could get a small frag of Bird of Paradise Birdsnest.

I could also get you what I think are Green Bay Packer Zoas. I’m not really into Zoas or fancy names so I’m not sure that’s what they are🤣

I’m in far west STL county, so we’d have to find somewhere to meet in the middle.