Zoas growth rare


New member
I was under an impression that Zoas in general are rather slow growers.
These 2 were acquired from my LFS and they were the 1st corals in my tank.

Sold as Super Sunflower Zoanthids (originally 12 polyps on 01/10/2012)
but I think this could be Whammin Watermelon Zoa



Sold as BamBam Orange Zoanthids




Hey Snootch, I hear you loud and clear, but believe me my friend, that is a myth. I'm not into names, never have been, but I have read hundreds of threads with people saying this or that is a slow grower and this one is a fast grower. I have own and matured hundreds of colonies in 20 years and literally thousands of polyps. There is no such thing as a slow grower or a fast grower. A coral's genetic make up, for the lack of better word, doesn't dictate growth rate. A name or a size, doesn't dictate or determine growth or rate of growth. If you do a search right here in this forum, you will find one person who claims that the exact same polyp is a very slow grower, while someone else will claim it is the polar opposite. This is a direct contradiction. If something is a slow grower, then it's going to grow at said rate in everyone's tanks.

I and many others in this hobby have taken what was purported to be a slower grower, and propagated said polyps to mature 4, 5 and 6 inch mother colonies within a year or less. There are many variables such as your tank's maturity, lighting type, wattage, K value, photoperiod, flow, your parameters, etc etc etc etc, which will determine growth rate or mortality. Check out a few of these threads for some great discussions we use to have years ago. Some really good reading. Also, do a quick search on this subject, there's tons of great info on this subject I think you'll enjoy reading. Best of luck with your polyps my friend.



Mucho Reef
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I was under an impression that Zoas in general are rather slow growers.
These 2 were acquired from my LFS and they were the 1st corals in my tank.

Sold as Super Sunflower Zoanthids (originally 12 polyps on 01/10/2012)
but I think this could be Whammin Watermelon Zoa



Sold as BamBam Orange Zoanthids





I would continue doing whatever it is you're doing as it appears to be working. That's all that matter I'd say. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I'm not doing anything special. Just biweekly water changes and trying to maintain stable Temp, pH, Alk, Cal. and Mag. Not using any supplements at this time.

Temp 77.5 - 78
pH 8.1 - 8.3
Cal 410 - 430
Alk 9 - 9.5
Mag 1300 - 1400
That's what I mean, continue doing that. Don't move them, don't frag them, don't try any new gimmicks. QT, screen or dip any new arrivals. Just let them grow and remain proactive and you'll continue to smile for a very long time.
