New member
I have a small colony of neon orange zoas that I've had for about 3 months. About 3 weeks ago they closed up and haven't opened back up. All of my water parameters are normal except nitrates which are 20 ppm but I have been doing 30-40% water changes weekly. I don't have a test for phosphate. Salinity is at 1.023-1.024. They are in a 7 gallon tank with 2 18watt t5s on a 10 hour photo period. The thing is they just started opening up the tiniest bit to were I can see a tiny speck of orange. Is there anything I should do for them, or should I just wait it out and see how they do. Forgot to mention I have a few mushrooms a single Duncan polyp and a small frag of a different species of zoa and they are all doing fine