Zoas - remove them?

I have a small colony growing on the bare bottom and it is now out of control. How would you suggest I remove them? Thanks


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The best thing I could think of would be to cover them up with something light won't penetrate and let them disappear.
I would use a plastic putty knife to carefully peel up the mat and glue to rock or plugs than trade it in at the LFS or sell /give it to a local.
You could check your local shops, here I think they are a nuisance. Just make sure to read up on all palytoxin just in case
Hawaiian palys, toss them, they grow soo fast, theyre a nuisance. Scrap em off with a blade and scrub any remaining pieces. You'll thank me later.
I would keep them if it was in my tank, Peel them up like jayball says. If you have another tank, put them in it. Everyone has more than one tank, don't they???
Get rid of them, when they really start growing they will start floating to the other side of your tank and spread there. They become a big pain
Thanks . The "HOW" is my main issue now is I plot the removal. I have ordered the Tunze full length gloves and will get a wide scrapper to get under them to remove them.

The toxin issue both to me and the inhabitants is off great concern. I have yet to find one good read with a success story out there... only warnings.
Thanks . The "HOW" is my main issue now is I plot the removal. I have ordered the Tunze full length gloves and will get a wide scrapper to get under them to remove them.

The toxin issue both to me and the inhabitants is off great concern. I have yet to find one good read with a success story out there... only warnings.
Just be sure to scrape right underneath their mat and do a water change after. Or if you have some help, you can have someone siphoning the water right next to the colony while you are scraping it off.