zoas v palys


New member
I love the look of palythoa compared to zoas, I think it's the colorful "mouth". Is there much difference in care between zoas and palys? How about speed of growth?
most zoanthids are the size of a pencil eraser possibly a little larger. a palythoa is larger. in many areas zoas will spend low tide above water. palythoas usually do not.

palythoas will usually take food where as a zoa may but will spit it out. they eat plankton and feed by filtering. imho palythoas grow much faster.
Care is pretty much the same in my experience, but I try to keep things low maintenance. Neither require much attention at all once established. I do think that palys are much more likely to eat though as was mentioned above.
I'm pretty sure the only agreed upon difference is palythoa take up sand (if available) while zoanthids don't.

While not an actual technical difference I classify the two varities in a more pragmatic way; those that will actively take up food if available and those that don't. Most paly varities if you blow something like brine shrimp over them will snag it like venus flytraps and gobble it up. Most zaos will simply close up. If you're having trouble growing purple deaths or nuclear greens try feeding them with brine shrimp.

Size isn't an indicator of classification either. Gobstoppers for instance are pretty darn big and given their rapid rate of growth on bare rock with no nearby substrate I don't think they qualify as palythoa.
Yeah, size I feel is a bad way to judge. I didn't know about the sand uptake but I see what you mean- palys seem more rough to the touch.

How about polyps like PPE versus Purple Death? Both palythoa, but pretty dissimilar.