
New member
Okay so I have zoo eating nudis. All my zoos and palys have been out of my main system for about a week. How long until they die off from lack of food in my main system?

Also I have read a lot of threads on removal of them & I am not sure what the best method is:

daily 5 Min. Fresh Water dips.

dip the colonys in 150 degree water.

dip in RO Lugols Iodine & Flatt Worm exit.

Any feedback is appreciated.


For giant aquariums with giant coral colonies it may not be feasible to remove entire colonies of Acropora, but for most home aquariums this is a much simpler solution compared to treating the whole tank with Interceptor. There is a misconception regarding Red Bugs that they are all over the tank. In fact they are isolated on the Acropora colonies, and usually only on certain species, while they may be absent on others. If you make a seawater bath with ReVive according to the directions, and dip colonies of Acropora for between 10 and 15 minutes, the Red Bugs will fall off and die, and the colonies can be returned to the display aquarium. This treatment is also effective against Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) (including their eggs).

Some recommendations: Use water taken from the display aquarium to make the bath, to minimize the stress on the corals. The corals should be completely submerged, so use sufficient water for that purpose. The water in the bath should be circulating- a small powerhead can be used for this purpose (be careful about water and electricity of course). Also be careful not to blast the corals with too strong a flow from the powerhead!

If your Acropora colonies have commensal crabs, they will jump off when the coral is dipped in ReVive. Quickly remove the crabs from the bath and put them in clean seawater. They will recover as long as they are not left in the ReVive bath for more than a couple of minutes. The crabs do not host Red Bugs, though it is a good idea to rinse them carefully to be sure that no Red Bugs are clinging to their legs.

While the instructions on the bottle of ReVive recommend only a few minutes for the dip, it is necessary to use a dip of at least 10 minutes duration to be sure to kill the Red Bugs and AEFW.

I have been able to eliminate these pests from display aquariums by simply dipping the affected coral colonies.

It is not necessary to dip all corals from the tank--- only the affected Acropora spp. need to be dipped.

I developed ReVive Coral Cleaner and it is a product of my company, Two Little Fishies, Inc.


Julian Sprung
it somewhat dazes them, which allows you to blow them off or shake them off or easier to find them.

I would use a couple drops of FWE on your dips for FW or Nudi's precautionary dips.
it somewhat dazes them, which allows you to blow them off or shake them off or easier to find them.

I would use a couple drops of FWE on your dips for FW or Nudi's precautionary dips.

Thanks for the tip. I was planing on the FWE.

What about the length of time without zoas in a system that they can survive for? Does anyone know a rough guideline to go by?
I have no personal experience in the lenght but a good time table to let afflow would be 4-6 weeks to gestation period of new babies. Just like Ich and other type of predators like FW's or spiders/sundials.