Zoo spiders


In Memoriam
I was doing some major changes to my rock work today and pulled all of my zoas out and placed them into a bucket. I was all done and I startd to place the zoas into there new areas when I doped a colony of eagel eyes. I quickly grabed them and guess what fell out....yup a dang sea spider. They are kinda neat even for somebody who is scared of spiders(land), so I killed it. He was about a quater of an inch, which I am kinda surprised I didnd see him over the last month or so and he survived the first dipping. I redipped all colonies again and nothing showed up.

I would like to know what some of you experts think that have delt with them before" What is the chance that there was only one?" I didn't find any on all the other zoas the first time either....
Jim W.
just keep your eye out for some more... I'm still not sure if they lay eggs or not.. I have some also from the last zoas I purchase that's why they're in quarantine.. :) best way to make sure they don't go on the main tank... good luck and keep us posted for any updates on those buggers..

Thanks Marvin.....From what I have read they lay eggs inside the polyp itself so you wouldn't know if they did or not. Hopfully that was the only one, I am going to contact the LFS tomorrow and let them know they might want to look for them. All but one colony of zoas came from the same place..

I will post what I find out.
Jim W
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6622604#post6622604 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Azurel
Thanks Marvin.....From what I have read they lay eggs inside the polyp itself so you wouldn't know if they did or not. Hopfully that was the only one, I am going to contact the LFS tomorrow and let them know they might want to look for them. All but one colony of zoas came from the same place..

I will post what I find out.
Jim W

great.. thanks for the info Jim...
