zooanthid size


New member
I have quite a few different zo's, all tank raised and are more or less a nice uniform size. My lfs has a wild colony I'm considering that has some nice colors on it, the zo's appear healthy, but they are tiny in comparison to the ones I have already. So what's the deal with size? Is it health related, Will they get larger? Is it nothing to worry about?
Its in reality nothing to worry about. I've noticed some wild colonies tend to have obscenely small polyps. I've had some get larger and some just stay tiny. I think its really nothing to worry about.
Tiny isn't really a good way for others to understand what size they are. They should be ok but take a close look at it and check for any of the usual fungus like problems. I've got some zoas that are tiny, or what I would consider tiny.

You should still dip them just to make sure that they are not carrying nudis.
I have quite a few colonies that changed polyp size and skirt length once they had been in my tank a while. I've also given a friend of mine a few frags and under his T5's the polyps have gotten bigger. I dont know if the lights have anything to do with it or not, but thats the only variable in our tanks that differ much so I assume that may be it.
I have patches of the same zoas growing in different areas of the same tank and they seem to get different sized depending on light a flow. Not like a huge difference, but some will develope longer skirts with more flow and things like that. It could just be that they are stressed out from the collecting and shipping and will get bigger once in a nice stable tank. I notice a sometimes when I buy zoas that just got imported they can be a bit scrawny but they bulk back up with some good light and water conditions.

So did you buy these yet, or still thinking about it?
I got them, there's some purples and some blues on the same rock, but they are tiny. I have some tubs blues and these look the same except for size