Zoos are they dying?

Theres a section at reefcentral for zoo's

The zoo was most likely eaten by something. It could be a lot of things. For starters you should list every fish/invert you have to see if any of them are known to eat zoos. You should check your tank at night to see if you can the culprit in the act. You should look for any large bristleworms and Pyramid Snails because these are very common hitchhiker zoo-eaters. Hope that helps.


well I have a new tank or about 5 months
we have damsels, algea snails, blue hermit crabs, engineer gobie and yellow tang

would those bother zoo? we touched it with our hand, would that kill the side?
None of those sound like they would harm the zoos. The yellow tang could have but I doubt it. I dont know if you touched it if it would kill it ... you would have to put considerable force on it becuase hermits ect. walk over zoos all the time and they just close up for a few minutes. How much LR do you have? A hitchhiker could be the zoo nipper.

Also we are talking about a single zoo polyp correct not a large zoo colony? Pictures would also help in i.d.'ing the cause of death.
lr meaning live rock? we have over 200 lbs of live rock.... I can try to take a picture if i can figue how to post it.

it is several polyps like you took a scoop of them away...
is the colony all the same color zoas?? i had a zoa colony that had about 30 purple zoas and 15 green zoas... in the matter of a day or two all the green zoas just melted away. the purple are still thriving. no idea what the cause was but wondering if this may be something similiar.