Zoos not open

Russia? cool. How is the coral selection in your country?

A longnose hawkfish and other hawkfish will eat shrimp/amphipods. Do you have any ornamental shrimp in your tank such as fire shrimp/peppermint shrimp or any cleaner shrimp? If you do they will most likely eat them also.
In the special store very poor selections of corals, but any peoples illegally imported any types of corals. For example, how into the my thread here http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1980904
But these zoas is not cheap. One of the colony price about $40.
I have 2 cleaner shrimps and 2 debelius (fire) shrimps. But they not small, about 5-7 cm long. How can hawkfish eat these shrimps???
Very nice corals you have. I have seen hawkfish tear apart a larger shrimp. Do not underestimate the determination on a hawkfish. Since a hawkfish is not an option how about a wrasse? If not and you can not get interceptor then you can dip your zoas in Revive. Do they sell this in Russia?
CoralRX, Revive or Lugols at least. Before I dip inspect every polyp for egg masses and spiders inbeded on the polyps.