Zoo's & Yellow Polyps


New member
I just started my 10 gallon nano reef about a month ago, last week after checking all my nitrates, nitrites, amonia, and PH I went to LFS and bought some yellow polyps (figured they would be a good start). While the fish guy was bagging up the polyps I went off looking around to see what else they might have and I came across some small LR frags with small Zoo's (nothing fancy) on them, so I thought what the heck! I bought three small 1" frags and came home and put them in my tank. My question is for these little guys to be happy what do I need to do for them, what areas of the tank do they prefer.

I'm running a 10 gallon with 15Lbs of LR, I have a Backpak Refugeon the back left of my tank. and a Aquaclear 10 pushing water from right to left accross the top of the tank. all my tests came out normal, and every day I put in 1ml of Kents Calcium(The coraline is already growing quite well).

thanks for any input you have~
The 96w you have on the tank will be good for zoanthids. I would get a powerhead to give the tank more flow, as zoas prefer pretty good flow. Start them low in the tank and move them up to where you want them over the span of a couple weeks.