The sand is the powdery fine pure white oolitic stuff. It also has some little shells and coral peices in it. It is awesome imo. The largest shells I have seen are about a 1/2" in size but I have pnly opened one bag. Should be perfect for the jawfish and engineer gobies. I actually plan to add a little more shell.
600 lbs is going in the tank and the other 200lbs is going in my refugium along with the sandbed that is in my 125. The RC sandbed calculator says that 800 lbs should yield 4" in the tank and fuge.
Ah, an equipment question. The original plan was to use a slow flow through sump design. My skimmer requires about 600 gph so anything else is pretty much extra. The return pump will also feed my calcium reactor about 300 gph. I was going to use my two quiet one 4000's but decided to use my ampmaster 3000 instead throttled back for now. It's reliable quiet and I already have it. The drains can handle the ampmaster at full throttle, but I don't know about the noise.
In tank flow will be two Tunze 6100's on a multicontroller and a wavebox.