1 large or 2-3 smaller tanks?


what is your opinion on this?
if I ever get the money, place and time to build my dream tank. I would want a reef tank, an aggressive fish only and a whatever else tank, all built into a wall with a fish room behind them.
let's just say we want a total (without sump/refugium) of 300 gal. and all in one system.

what would be the better way to go and why?

one 300 gal tank with dividers installed or 3 100 gal. tanks

my opinion:
I think dividers in one large tank would be the better way to go, I could adjust the dividers at some later time to add to the favorite section and take away from the least favorite one or even add one more divider for something I haven't thought about.
it also seems to be much easier to build, no overflows from tank to tank needed.
it looks more seamless without the gabs in between and cleaning between tanks might become a problem.
separate tanks 100% if you're going to mix aggressive (read- lots of poop from all the food they'll be consuming) with a "whatever" (I'm guessing something a little more peaceful/timid) you'll be running issues with water quality.
I had three tanks next to each other, but kept them all plumbed seperatly. it was a 35 corner, then a 75, and back to a 36 corner. It looked great. I had two reefs in the corners and preditors in the 75. Because of water quality and "poop" keeps the tanks seperate.
OK, I never expected to get replies about filtration, since I always thought the more water volume the better it is.
if I had a system running with fish only in a 100 gal tank and a 30 gal sump/ref. and need to make sure my water is clean (ammonia etc.) it would only be better if that system is connected to a reef system with another 100 gal tank and a 30 gal sump/ref. wouldn't it.
instead worrying about all water perimeters of two or three independent systems with each 100gal and a 30 gal sump/ref. why not making it easy and make sure I have a clean system with 300 gal and 90 gal sump/ref.
Am I missing something and is it impossible to run a clean system with fish only and will it ruin the reef tank?

and Scuba Dog, I saw your thread and I'm following it, can't wait to see it running.