1 week dive trip to Curacao...


In Memoriam
Just got back from a 1 week dive trip to Curacao...

Had a great time.
Here are some pictures.

I used a Canon s410 with their underwater housing.

It worked great. Even down to 110 feet (Max 130).

Colors needed to be adjusted when I got home, but the quality of the images were better than I expected.....

I'm selling the camera outfit now on eBay so that I can get a more advanced photo outfit with lights and more features (I'm hooked)!

I didn't dive there, but snorkeled there a year and half ago. Wonderful stuff off every beach. I highly recommend Curacao for anyone wanting to snorkel/dive in the Carribean.

A lot of photos - too bad it is not in a slideshow format where you click 'next'.