No Its two sides viewable tank is 120x48x36 1 inch acrylic all around steel frame stand Cabnet made buy my Father in Law it has 2000 watts hqi metal halides 600 watts t5s 1hp Chiller 160 watts uv. I will post lots more pictures
The water tank is about 110gallons i do a water change every two weeks its all automated ifill the tank with RO water put in salt turn on pumps to mix for 24 hours. The tank has a batch controller that opens a vavle that drains out 110 gallons into a drain then i turn on pump and 110 gallons of salt water is pump back in takes all of 5 mins
Yes i did have the tank custom made. The filter room is to the right of the tank threw the wall into the closet. I really like tangs there are 14 in the tank about 70 fish in all.I like a mix tank of corals use to have all sps but with the two wave boxes i like the way lps and soft corals sway in the current. I also like giant clams.
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