1050 Gallon Tank Pics

Hello!!!! McFly!!!!!!


Dimensions???? Details?????? Is the tank 10' long or 8'?
Here is some more pics for you guys

Here is some more pics for you guys

incredible, you've got to tell us more about the tank? What equpiment do you use? what's the fish list? How long has it been up?
Thanks guys for all the kind words this is my pride and joy, to anwser some questions.

1. Tomasaz- This system is 10ft by 4ft wide by 32 inches high it is run off of 2 Sequence Hammerhead Pumps and 3 Tunze 6200 for water movement it has 5200 watts of light, I have 2 1000 watt 20k's and 8 400 watt 20k's, the main display is 750 gallons or so with a 300 gallon sump that was just added so with that I have been up grading some equipment it has a special made Calc Reactor From MRC to handle the need's of all the Acros, I also have a Tradewinds 1hp Chiller to keep up with the heat, I have a Turbo floater 5000 Shorty on this system which is struggling to keep up now I posted a thread here a week or so ago trying to get suggestions on which route to go for a new skimmer, and I got a lot of great ideas but I still have not decided which one but there are a couple I have my eye on. As far as Live Rock I have close to 2000 pounds and a mixture of Tonga Kaleni which is my favorite and some Soloman Island rock that came in some cool shapes.
The Current list of fish is:

1. 3 rhomboids wrasses
2. 4 Lineatus Wrasses
3. 1 Scott's Fairy wrasses
4. 2 Mystery Wrasses
5. 1 Orange Bar Wrasse
6. 3 Red Velvet Wrasses
7. 2 Hawaii Flame wrases
8. 3 Rosy Scale wrasses
9. 1 Candy hogfish
10. 7 purple Tangs
11. 2 Choc Tangs
13. 2 Tomato Clowns
14. 2 Perculas
15. 2 Mandarin Gobys
16. 1 Royal Gramma
17. 1 Yellow headed Goby
18. 2 Pink Spotted Gobys
19. 1 Black and yellow Blenny
20. 1 Dwarf Golden Moray Eel
Truly inspiring. Thank you for posting. That is one amazing system. I love all the wrasses. Please don't stop with the pix now, keep them coming.

Very nice. Obviously not a hobby you took up yesterday. Give us a little history of the tank if you could and how you ended up where you are today. The dimensions of the tank are great--especially the depth. I also second an open house visit-the-tank day: where are you anyway and where did you get those corals and fish? Amazing. 3 rhomboid wrasses is pretty remarkable but not nearly as impressive as your SPS. Hope to hear more. Thanks for sharing.