1050 Gallon Tank Pics

more pics as requested

more pics as requested


I will try to take some more pics today and get them posted thank you all for your interest and great comments on this tank.
I have a 180 with 5 fairy wrasses, Rhomboid, Lineatus, flame, orange bar, and labouti. I would like to add 1 tang, but an afraid of it killing all these expensive fairy wrasses. Do you feel the key to your success is the large tank size?


Your love for the hobby is obvious Keep up the hard work,becuase it shows off in your tank.
In some of the first pic you can see a top of a ladder ,thats just awsome when you need a ladder to get to your tank. He He
Also you can tell that this guy isin construction,, Not one nail hole do I see ,,,Ha Ha

Awsome simply awsome ......


To anwser your questions:

Reef Addict- yes the electric bill is high I have another 2 tanks with halides so I do not like to see the electric bill coming.

Jumboshrimp- This tank has been set up a little under one year alot of the animals were moved from my other tanks because They needed more room to grow, I love the depth of this tank because I could add so many Fish and Corals that would of been problems in a smaller tank together but here everything seems to thrive from the softies to Acros to Lps and I have never had a problem in this tank with aggression between fish. I have purchased corals from one local lfs but most of my corals now come from one online Vendor for fish and one for Corals. I have tried many different ones and some I have had luck and others have burned me but the guy that I purchase from now has incredible corals.


I have never had problems between tangs and fairy wrasses but with the money you have wrapped up in those wrasses I would definitly put any tang through a minnimum 6 week quarantine. If he makes it through I would add them.
Amazing! Keep the pics. coming.

I love the length and width of your tank, really gives you so many more options than a standard tank.

Any chance of getting a photo of the equipment room & equipment?
Excellent tank! I also would like to see some equipment pics.
Do you have any problems working inside the tank because of the 4 foot width and the 32 inch height?
Thanks for the response- i am just afraid of the tangs being to agressive and then leading to the fairy wrasses either jumping from stress or getting an infection or disease.

with your tank size they have so much room, but with my tank its a bit more limited.

once again i am torn between my love of wrasses and love of tangs!

thanks again!

More pics please!

amazing stuff, I'm sure the gear heads would love to see pics of your equipment , but I'm just enjoying the pics of the tank! Got any more closeup shots? 2 other tanks, that's awesome, how big are they? You'd think with a tank like that, one would be enough, but we all know its never enough for us in this hobby LOL
Have a couple of questions for you bud. Very nice tank by the way:

1. Why are you using 1000 watt halides? What 1000 watt ballast/bulb combo are you using? How often do you change the 1000 watt bulbs?

2. What kind of 400 watt ballast/bulbs combo are you using?

3. Is your top overed at all? If not, have you had any wrasses jump out? I also ahve a 10'x4'x2.5' tank and have found that the extra height at 30" makes a huge difference with the wrasses. Although I've only had them mostly for a few mnths, none has either jumped or even thought about it yet.

4. Since you ahve multiple wrasses of each, did you add them all at once or slowly? I presume one male of each type right? So far I have single ones of each type, but would love to add some more as time goes by. I was worried about aggression among them.

5. What type of maintenance are you doing in terms of water changes schedules, ec?
Dwarf eel

Dwarf eel

I Love your tank. I was just wondering how the eel has been in there. Has it got any of your fish? Do you target feed him? And what invertabrates do you have in there? (i love your corals but other than them) like shrimp, crabs ect.
I was wondering why you didn't get a angel. i'm guessing because of the corals (duh)
Thats my dream tank


Can you please post some more pics. mostly the dwarf eel.
Amazing system you have there......:D

Truely a work of art....... When I grow up I want to be just like you......


Please post more pictures and information...... By the way who do you buy from on-line.....

Great stuff...... Tank of the month for sure......


1. Broodingwolf- I will get some pics of the equip up tommorow,
The other tanks are a 185 and a 55 gallon and yes you are correct once you complete one tank you always want another but I have decided to not add anything else to this tank until after summer as I really want to see just how fast I can make some of these sps grow.

2. dgasmd- I use 1000 watt halides for the colors that it brings out in my Corals, I saw one in a lfs and decided to experiment with one and within a month I was shocked at the difference,
I use a 16"w x 7" h x 20 L pendants made by Blueline. Right now I currently have two on the left and the right side of the tank and I am planning on adding one more to the center, for my 400's they are the same Blueline's with the xm bulbs. I do not have tops on this tank and yes I have had 3 wrasses jump and a pair of helfrici gobies that went carpet surfing. I did not add all the wrasses at once the only problem I have had is with the Scott's Fairy's they love to jump and I also lost One of my Fine Spotted Wrasses as well when I add more I will leave the tops on for at least a couple days for the fish to acclimate and then it should not be a problem, and I do not many pairs most of mine are males. As far as maintence I am a big believer in water changes I change approximately 165 gallons every two weeks and I use Instant ocean for salt other than feeding all the different animals I have 4 different kinds of anenomes and 2 eels in my other tanks
I basicly clean the acrylic and that is done with a magnavore magnet.
An eel with all those spendy wrasses?! :eek1:

Beautiful tank. :) :smokin:

I have a yellow tang and mystery wrasse in my 75. I haven't seen them go at it once. The only aggression I've ever really seen is my mystery wrasse will occasionally chase a threadfin cardinal.

I do keep the top covered in egg crate at all times.
note the eel is a dwarf golden eel. < 5 inches. And it is a crustacean eater. (squarer teeth than the fish eaters)
Very expensive Bout 300 (i heard and seen). But worth it if you like eels and want a reef with it.