1050 Gallon Tank Pics

OMG. I have to go to sleep now in hopes that since this is one of the last things I will see today & I will hopefully have a wonderful dream where I can pretend I own that tank! Whoah, all hail the king!
jesus ...:p , great tank man . i know this last year really brought in alot of money for people in real estate... and i guess this is a great example! lol .

somthing about very tiny tanks and very large tanks.... all the ones in the middle are too akward for me .
Pagoda coral

Pagoda coral


This Coral is a Pagoda Coral and it is one of my Favorites.
Isn't that like $300+ a month in just water changes? I admit it's the best looking reef I have seen.

ps. - I am young, single, attractive, and love to travel.
The Red front-half, yellow back-half blue-tailed wrasse is a C. rubisquamis.. Very nice fish.. I had a nice collection of Cirrhilabrus wrasses going till a power outtage took them out..

I trust you have a generator for backup on this puppy? Wrasses are the first to go in a power outtage, and boy do I know it....

I have a small generator... NOW... and will be installing a full house generator very shortly (next month or so now)...

Do you have any type of backup generator? is it automatic?



I have looked at automatic generators and I am thinking of adding one but they are about 4 times what the cost of other generators cost, so I have not decided what to do with it just yet, what did you come up with for yours. I have always thought that as long as I had one big enough to run everything but the lights I would be fine.

Morninggirl- I would suggest investing in some gobies that move your sand and lot's of water changes.

Stuntking- They are choclate tangs.
Adopt me!!! I will maintain your tank for free!!! If I owned that tank, I would want to be buried in it when I died. May I suggest a Hawaiin Dragon Eel and couple of Gem Tangs.

Something for all of us to shoot for. Forget sending my kids to college.