1050 Gallon Tank Pics

I finally got the the skimmer up and running and the luminarc reflectors, they are extremely efficient I am now down to just 3 400 watt lights in the front and 3 1000's in the back and it seems like they are giving off more light then what I had before.
nbd13 said:
Thanks for the response- i am just afraid of the tangs being to agressive and then leading to the fairy wrasses either jumping from stress or getting an infection or disease.

with your tank size they have so much room, but with my tank its a bit more limited.

once again i am torn between my love of wrasses and love of tangs!

thanks again!

More pics please!


honestly you should be fine as long as your careful. i have a 150 with 3 tangs(orange shoulder,clown tang, hawaiin sailfin) with 5 wrasses( pair of flame,solar,exquisite,and mystery)just put a piece of screen on the open piece of the back of the canopy. good luck

very nice pics of your set up. Very clean plumbing as well. I have recently seen pics of a large reef set up that has more pvc piping than the NY City sewer system with pvc going in every which direction and it looks ridiculous :lol: I am impressed with the neatness you have employed in your set up. You obviously planned this out very well ;)

I would love to see some pictures of the before and after the installation of the lumenarcs supplemented by the 1000 watters. It is nothing short of mornid curiosity as I am sure it looks awesome.:D :D
more pics

more pics


Here are some more pics as requested, I am very happy with the new luminarc reflectors, they have cut down on the heat from the lights and with as hot as it has been outside my Central air is finally keeping up with the demand. The deltec skimmer has been working like a charm but is still taking some time to get broke in, I bought it with the four pumps but I have only been able to use two of them or it over skims, but I am impressed with it and Doug's customer service very good company to work with. I also tryed a new brand of carbon called Chem Gone made by a company called Kevco and it is impressive, I thought it was clear before but it seems to be better. I am going to add some anthias to this tank I have 58 in my quarantine right now they are different kinds from Bartlett's to Disbar's Bicolor's and Purple Queens so far so good they have all been eating very well so in a few weeks they will go in the main system and it should be really pretty they look cool in the other tank, I will try and post some more pics soon of them and some equip pics.
Hi Aruba..couple questions! I'm at war with my sandbed, how do you keep yours clean, with enough circulation over it, and not have it blow all over the place?

And, did you say 58!!?!?! anthias you are going to add? Show us a pic of them in quarantine if you could. I can't imagine that many.

Also, how much carbon are you running, and is it 24x7?

Keep the pics coming, the lighting looks great.

The lighting looks great..keep lots and lots of pics coming.
Your tank is very impressive, many thanks for posting all the pictures and info on such a great tank.

I am considering a 4ft wide tank for my next tank and have a few questions if you don't mind.
What material and thickness is the tank? Do you have cross bracing or just perimeter bracing? How high is you stand and would you change either the stand or tank height if you could?
Also I was interested in your suggestion of using just 1000Watters on your tank. Do the 1000w's give sufficient coverage over the 4ft width?
Sorry for all the questions but any advice would be great.
Come play in our sandbox folks!!

Come play in our sandbox folks!!

Aruba, are you up for a challenge? We have a thread going with videos..can you come play so we keep the interest going? I'm sure it would blow everything else out of the (clearing throat) water! PLEEEEZE!?!?!?

This is the thread (all else welcome too of course! We need 'help' over there).


Also, many are posted in one concise place list here:
Reefmonkey Video List