1050 Gallon Tank Pics


I will try to anwser some of your questions my sand bed is cleaned by my gobies I do have other inverts -conchs, cucumbers snails and a assortment of different crabs but nothing cleans it like the gobies, the sand bed is about 2 inches all the way around and is Cariblife sand I think it is called fiji pink. I only run carbon and the deltec ap 1004 skimmer for my filtration and I have never had problems with nitrates or phosphates I used to change a lot of water in the beginning and I think this helped me out a lot as I did not have a lot of problems like most new tanks, I went through the algae phases but as it matured every thing fell in line. I use a calcium reactor and have never needed anything else for this system, and hopefully I won't as I have a small fortune in equipent already, on the light issues I think it is your preference and what you are wanting to keep, I run 3 1000's across the back half because this is where most of my Acro's or sun loving corals are and with out them I seem to lose some of the bright coloration that I want I have moved corals from the back to the front under the 400's and had them go from bright yellow to green, so it is personal prefrence and how much you would like to spend on the light bill to run them for me it is well worth it to come home to this but be prepared for the central air to never shut off in the summer and the same with the chiller.
As far as your friend's tank with the 8ft depth I think it would be a full time job to maintain it, I have difficult time cleaning Coraline off mine on the sides of it because of the depth I have I need a ladder just to reach and then I can't always get enough pressure on the scraper so it takes time. I would look at more length then depth 4ft is very nice to have but 8ft you would need to get in it to clean it.


I did not have luck with the anthias but I will keep trying I really liked them they are not as impressive when you look at a couple of them but when you see schools of them they are very pretty.
Well, the tank is going to be viewable from all 4 sides...and would have a 24"x24" center overflow...so the most anyone would have to reach in would be 36" back and at most 36" in height.
In that last set of pics, could you tell me what kind of fish that is in the top pic? Love the colors of it.


Sad to see you lost the anthias. They do make a very nice display for large tank. Much better than an oversized bunch of tangs. Especially when combined with the fairy wrasses. What kind were you trying? I have found thorugh research here and from personal experience that the easiest groups to keep and get to eat fromt he begining are the barlets, lyretail, square spot anthias. My suggestion to acclimate then would actually be to just dip them in formalin first to get any possible obvious infections and just add them to the tank. The more you have together the better off you are too as they seem to follow the monkey see monkey do routine. Some of the other anthias are nearly impossible to keep in captivity long term, although I am sure someone will chime in and say they have 3 dozens doing well. That is the exception rather than the rule.

Another suggestions would be to add them to your sump since you ahve LR there too and feed them multiple times per day for a few weeks to fattent hem up and get them to eat regularly without much compettion but themselves. Then, you can add them to the tank. That could prove to be a difficult thing to do with as big as your sump is since it will probably require you to drain it almost completely to get them out.

Best of luck.
I have to agree with dgasmd regarding the anthias. I have had superb luck with the bartletts, rubrizonatus, hutchii, and squams. The dispars (which I think that Aruba had) slowly began to deteriorate over time. I just couldn't quite get them enough food I guess. And they were being harassed by a male squam relentlessly.

The problem was I added a chevron and a achilles tang with them and did not have luck the chevron came in with ich and wiped everything out but a few so I will wait it out and try again, without the tangs I had them set up in a reef tank thinking that a natural setting will help with the parasites and I think it did for a while but I did not have enough sps to combat the problem, I have never put new fish in my main system because I have so much wrapped into the fish and I got really lucky with the purple tangs they are a exception to the rule and I don't want to risk introducing something to the main system and killing them all so I have kept everything a minimum of six weeks in the other tanks if they make it that long I add them, I do have some fish in the sump It is big enough that I have been adding Angels and Triggers there. I put a tunze for flow and power compacts for light's and they are happy so it is like 2 aquariums in one. When I was in the Marshall's diving I saw purple queens in schools of what seemed like hundreds of fish and it was cool to watch them all move together at the same time, so I tried them and bi-color's, bartletts and dispar's. I think I will go with more barlett's again and the purple's queens and eventually I will get some to make it.
crap, for a second I thought that first shot was your tank...not that your tank isn't impressive anyways, but...
Mystery wrasse if I am not mistaken. Looks just like mine. I hope I am not mistaken becuase I would look a little silly :lol: Well, more than usual.

Awesome setup bud!!
I would forget about the purple queen anthias. I have been so tempted myself, but they are nearly impossible to keep. I say nearly impossible because I am sure there is someone that has a couple in their tank. I know of at least 11 people that have tried them in very very successfull tanks and not a single one is alive 4 months later. Just try a couple if you must so you can see for yourself.
wow ive read every single post in this thread i have to say this is a tank i can only dream of i am truly in awe of your amazing system. now that 120 i was setting up looks like a puddle compared to your tank lol. i love the fact that there are people other than me that have/admire meletremus eels. and the fact that u actually have rhombrodias in there makes your tank awsome just off that. anyway deffinateley keep the posts/pics coming. and good luck with the anthias again. :tup:
Can't speak...head about to explode. Your tank puts alot of public aquariums to shame. I can't even concentrate on what I'm typing so I'll go back to looking at all your pics and drooling.
Reachng for my pocket checking my loto ticket. Dam out again. Great tank somthing to strive for thanks for the look.
just imagining the power bill for your lights makes me froth at the mouth..

Tanks like this keep the motivation in me high about my tank :D
Let's see pics of the angels & triggers in the sump!

This system is Shaweeeeet!!!!!

Mystery wrasse .... ooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! ... LOVE IT!