11th Annual International Coral Reef Symposium


New member
If someone else already posted this then feel free to "OLD!" me.

So I just found out that for the first time in over 30 years the International Coral Reef Symposium is being held back on the USA mainland, and lucky us, it's going to be right in our backyard.


It's going to be 5 days of exibits, discussions, and presentations.
If only I had known last year I would have scheduled a week of vacation for it. :mad:
I'll definitely be there for the beginning weekend, and maybe swap an offday with someone at work to attend one more day on the following mon, tues, or wed.

So has anyone else heard the news, or are planning to attend any of the days?
I remember reading about it a few months back on NOAA webpage. I thoguht it said it was in a different location every year, but I could be wrong. It sounded interesting but more on polution and whats going on with the reefs in the wild more then anything about the aquarium trade.
It's actually held every 4 years in a different country/location, and yes, its based around worldwide reef science, education, understanding, managing, and conserving natural coral reefs as opposed to aquariums.

Still, it should be interesting for anyone in the hobby who wants to learn more about natural coral ecosystems from the top reef scientists, researchers, and conservationists around the world.

I read about it over on an invert breeder forum.
The DIBS foundation and Eric Borneman are giving two presentations, including one on the spawning/breeding of Trochus and Tegula snails for the aquarium trade.
Page not found, would be interested in knowing how much for entry and any frag swaps going on? >_<

Worth a try :P
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12435756#post12435756 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ej797
WOW!!! 195 dollars for one day?


Holy %#$@!
If I had seen that I wouldn't have even bothered starting this thread.
As much as I would have loved to spend a couple of days listening to lectures on reefs and seeing all the exibits, I can think of a lot better things to spend that much $$$ on.
I will be going. I spent twice that to go to MO08 in Orlando and it was well worth it. But don't think you will se frag swaps or anything like that. It is all about very serious science.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12435907#post12435907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue

Holy %#$@!
If I had seen that I wouldn't have even bothered starting this thread.
As much as I would have loved to spend a couple of days listening to lectures on reefs and seeing all the exibits, I can think of a lot better things to spend that much $$$ on.

John- Im glad you posted anyways. Another reason to check out your Avatar!! Holy cow!!!! :eek1: :smokin: