120g reef tank

Thank you for all the compliments
LeonasAngels, chriscobb, 55Reef, [e]

This post began 09/2003
I am sorry this mixed reef tank is my old tank ^^;

I moved into a new house last year
I started new 120g SPS tank 06/2004
I changed to bare bottom last month

This is my current tank



Your tank looks sweet. Your glass and water is so clear! Which tank do you prefer? Old or new?
Thank you, dphinsx2, SilverShark, LeonasAngels

I like both but current SPS tank is more charming^^

Sorry I have no stand and canopy drawing
Stand and canopy was made to order at furniture store
Stand size is 120(L) * 70(D) * 80(H)Cm,
Canopy is 122(L) * 72(D) * 25(H)Cm
See below pictures



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Hi, ReefAqua
Your set up always makes me excite.
Personally I prefer your old set up to new one,especially fantastic giant toad stool leather and lay out.
Why don't you go back past set up?;)
I dare to say you are a real master of the reef keepers.
Go for it.
I recently got a flame angel and am planning on adding some small soft corals in the future. How does yours do with corals. I have read they are hit or miss.
Thank you JetHead, poknsnok, Glindac, aeroreefs, CPT. MURPHY, Zach117

I changed to bare bottom last month
Because I recently had red cotton like algae (Asparagopsis taxiformis) in my tank
I have two Tunze6100 stream pump and multi-controller, sand was blown off

After changed to bare bottom, I feel so good till now
Fortunately red cotton algae was disappeared
My sump size is 55(L) * 60(D) * 50(H) Cm

Old tank was beautiful, I think so
Old fantastic giant leather was divided into twenty pieces and give to my Korea reef club members^^
Among the one piece is located in lower center of my current tank

My Flame angel is perfect reef safe till now! very beautiful fish

Thanks to all^^
If you would like to view his website in English, goto to this link, http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/tr. Then use the drop down box to choose Korean to English conversion. Then put his url into the url box. When his site is open it will be converted. The only drawback is the links for the pics do not work. At least you can read the site, then go to the original site and view the pics later.
Did you check out his website? AHHH! He is living my dream! Gorgeous house, beautiful reef. It doesn't get any better that that! :lol: