Hey guys,
I'm thinking of setting up my 125 gallon aquarium as a clam tank. I've got a couple questions.
First, is it going to be worth making this a clam-heavy tank if the tank is not viewable from above? I've already invested the money on a wooden canopy, so I have to use it. I know clams are best viewed from above though... Second, I'm thinking of putting an Aqualine Buschke 3 x 250w DE HQI with 4 x "True Actinic" PC as the lighting on the tank. Again, is it worth spending $1100 on lights when I won't be able to see the clams from the optimum viewing angle? Third, how would you guys set up/filter such a tank? I've already got most of it purchased and in place, but I'll tell you what I have after you tell me what I should have.
I'm thinking of setting up my 125 gallon aquarium as a clam tank. I've got a couple questions.
First, is it going to be worth making this a clam-heavy tank if the tank is not viewable from above? I've already invested the money on a wooden canopy, so I have to use it. I know clams are best viewed from above though... Second, I'm thinking of putting an Aqualine Buschke 3 x 250w DE HQI with 4 x "True Actinic" PC as the lighting on the tank. Again, is it worth spending $1100 on lights when I won't be able to see the clams from the optimum viewing angle? Third, how would you guys set up/filter such a tank? I've already got most of it purchased and in place, but I'll tell you what I have after you tell me what I should have.