The side stand has 3 shelves. The bottom contains 'stuff'.
The middle contains a 2.5 gallon kalk drip container. The top contains my MH and VHO ballast.
My stand/canopy is a mirror image of flame angel's.
I notice that you have a Mag-Float on the aquarium. That is the greatest invention next to the Aquarium, motorcycle, computer, video game and women. (I know the last one wasn't invented, but I love them more than the Mag-float.)
Hey Steve,
Great job, are you gona change the hinges you could put like a crown molding around the top to hide them..what about the lights...make sure you post a pic of the inside of the canopy after the light are installed...
thanks glen
im still not hone with the canopy it did come out like i wanted but the hinges just dont look right should have gone with inside hinge but oh well i think i will have to do something there it just looks to plain maybee use a router & make deisgn for front.
crown molding sounds likea good idea im going to have to go to HD & check it out
oh i forgot to add the lights will be here tomorrowi will be doing that this week i will post some pictures here is what it looks like with the canopy open 10 inch of clearence glenn i ment to ask u about ur fans u said the first where really loud where did u get them? & what do u have now?
yeah the secret is 2 5 inch fans on sides & 2 4 inch fans on back
i dint make the holes cuz i dint get the fans yet + i wanted to paint the inside white & the less i have to prep the better
just got done with first coat.
mclva123 thanks
the dimensions of the stand on the outside are 21 wide 36 high 75 long inside is 31 tall 16 wide 70 long
canopy is 74 long 20 wide 12 tall inside is 10 inch to top of water
looking back & saying wow i made that PRICELESS:beer:
Steve, how did you calculate that the stand would hold your tanks weight? if you dont mind i would like to copy your design but, would you think it would work with a 150 gallon tank or would it be too heavy...
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