125 gallon on second floor of apartment?


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
I'm playing with some ideas... I would really like a 125gal (the 6' long version), it'll be on a second floor with a concrete slab. Has anyone here done this, is it safe, etc? I'll be fiberglassing the stand on the bottom with a 3" lip to control any accidental spills (of course, it won't do much for a total failure).

Looking to hear from people with larger tanks on floors above the ground floor.
your tank will be about 1300-1800 lbs depending on what you put in it Now i am not an building inspector, but concrete slab sounds like its strong enough to hold that .
I don't think it would be anything to worry about at all, provided that there are no structural defects and an average build home.
The concrete will hold but don't let your insurance lapse/cancel.
If you have a leak or something happens, it will definitely go down and affect whoever is below you..
It's a crappy wood floor, already know where to buy replacement flooring if something happens, and I'm in a rental company that deals with mold remediation equipment so no problem there (dehumidifiers, air scrubbers, carpet fans, etc.)

I will be using 10 gallon jugs for mixing seawater, and a 30 gallon for RO, it'll have an automatic shutoff but I'll never store more than 20 gallons in that drum.