12gal DX Nano Cube


New member
Just thought I'd give a quick pic of my Nano cube. I read this forum all the time. I will post more pictures in a few!
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I got a reef tank for my birth day 3 years ago and I had no clue how to take care of a reef tank. After 1 broken tank and many coral (mistakes later) I think I finally got the tank to stabilize.

A little side note the xenia may be an eyesore for some. But that xenia has paid for every coral in my tank and my girlfriends tank!

enough talking heres the PIC'S

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The corals in my tank are
1 double headed plate coral
1 long plate coral
1 (I think) Branching Hammer
Lots of Zoanthids, eagle eye, green bay packers, ppe, truesafe cracker, alien eye, brown ones, tubs blues.
1Tube worm
You can view the original size pic's by clicking on the image and then clicking the view original image option at the bottom of the pic.

Thanks for the nice comment! Keep them coming...
Thanks for the nice comment! Thats called a Plate Coral, Long Tentacle. Ive had that coral for 3 years! Its the most hardiest coral I have ever had and from what I understand these babies can live for a 100 years!
These are some old pictures of my tank (prior to a mass extinction). Its funny how things can just disappear when you neglect your tank.

<a href="http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005973468220914702"><img border="0" src="http://aycu13.webshots.com/image/48092/2005973468220914702_th.jpg" alt="Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com"/></a>

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