135G CUBE in progress!

Been starting back my cube, when i saw Vince's cube was done, i kinda kick my butt to finish mine also lol!

I passed the last 3 days on the fake sand bed, looking good but i miss some spot that dont have much sand on it, but i guess its allright, as long as its not too much visible.

The closed loop was a headache since i had to find a way to make it easier for me doing maintenance, i also did a mistake when glueing, i pushed my PVC pipe a bit too much so i add a cuppling to solve the problem...

Under each pump, there is 3 mouse pad to help the noise of the vibration. I used spa flex on each pump to also minimize the vibration which can be a problem, especially when the tank is next to my bed lol!

For the overflow, i am using a valve to control the air which will help getting rid of the noise hopefully. Since my skimmer will be feed by the overflow, i was afraid of getting big bubbles problem, i then did a small "U" to minimize the big bubbles... (pictures will make it easier to explain)

On the return pump, there will be a reefrat turning from 0-90 degree in the corner. Since i dont have it yet, i will be using a spare reefrat of 45-135 degree.

I am thinking gettind rid of the overflow box since it is using a lot of space and i might just put en 90 degrees elbow in grey PVC or black if i can find any...

The skimmer can't get under the stand. Its missing about 1 inch. I will have to get a jigsaw (cant find mine...) and cut the wood base over the metal stand.

Will get 2 phosban reactor with phosphate remover and the other one with carbon, both in series getting feed by the return pump.
Oh yeah, i am doing some water change on my reef tank so i will be using my reef water for my cube. Will take around 2 weeks to fill it up with water. The rocks are cured so i wont expect i big cycle at the beginning.


The return is splitting in 4 and one of them will be used to feed the skimmer


overall pic

Thanks guys! i am starting to fill up the tank. Hopefully, i will be able to make the aquascape by the end of the week! :)
I would do a large pile of rock in the back two corners about half way up the walls. Then I would put a tall skinny "column" in the front corner. This will create two valleys that you look into from both viewing windows.
So the aquascape is done, took me a while but i am very please the way it look now. I plugged the Oceans motions and oh boy this thing is a blast!!! Amazing flow, could not have been happier! I can see some waves all over the tank! Very impress by that product! I am still in the process of filling the tank, its missing about 1/8 of the tank. I am using some water from my reef tank, making sure of having mature water and have a smaller cycle. I bought my first 2 fishes that are waiting in a 30G tank: 2 small pakistani butterfly, they are eating some mysis and brine shrimp for the moment, trying to feed them other stuff but they havent touch it yet.
Sorry i have not been updating much

The tank is doing fine so is my 2 pakitan butterfly
I will be introducing soon two more buttefly before getting into angels.

The tank is working great, i changed the bulb to a 20k coralvue which i got for a good price but it kinda too blue for me. I will be switching to Pheonix 14K 150W soon and hopefully, it will be enough white to me.

I modified the overflow to get less noise and its working fine up to now. The closed loop is working very good!

I have to leave soon so i will put only a few pictures



With the new bulb... actually, its not as blue as seen on the picture, i just havent done the white balance...

Looking great i2ik !

Can't wait to setup mine ! :)

Did you see the pics that I received from Miracles for my tank ?

<a href="http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=744431">link to my 118g tank</a>

Should be getting my tank very soon !!
Great tank Richard, and an expensive looking one, especially with a "student budget":)

I had a few questions when you have time:

1) Why do you need so much flow in the tank if it is a FOWLR? Do butterflies do better under high flow?

2) How have you decided to have many butterflies in the tank as the main attraction?

3) How do you plan to keep a clown tang, I heard they are very difficult?

My tank had a major crash of unknown reason, now it is re-established, I am looking into butterflies as well. I'd love to know how yours doing and what you feed them, and what other tankmates you plan to add later.