135G CUBE in progress!


There's a large thread here on RC describing the use of envirotex lite for fake sandbeds. Along with pictures from many people who were successful, and unsuccessful.

I'll try to find it for ya. :)
Starting to want a bigger tank... LOL! I have been checking the fishes i want and try to get some of them out of the list and still overstocking...
I lost one of my golden butterfly 2 days after introducing him in the tank, i guess he was not healthy as the other one and did not want to eat. The bigger one start eating 3 days after and is in top shape now. Feeding them with Entice and Guarlic guard from seachem.

I bought one more Golden butterfly and this one is doing ok, eating well to. At first, got a little bit agression, but the next day, they were swimming together and not picking at each other. They are VERY nice fishes with great color.

Testing my water, everything looks ok, nitrate at 15, i am planning on doing that bucket denitrator, but got to find a smaller bucket to fit it in the back of the tank, i only need something 1" smaller than a bucket of salt.

Thats it for now, i will give more update as my next fish is coming very soon :)
Thank you :)

Well to ease my sadnest, i just bought a small chrusyrus angel, its about 1" and eating very well, swimming out in the open with the others. LOVE his colors! Very nice personality too!

Also got with some few penny i found a mystery wrasse for my reef tank... BEAUTIFUL fish! Hope he will do fine :)

2 black ocellaris is next for my cube ...smaller than my chrysurus... :)
A few penny for a mystery wrasse could have really lightened you up:) Do you still plan to add tangs later? Are you worried tangs might be in conflict with butterflies' personality? One is calm and slow eater the other is in constant motion and can out-compete butterflies at feeding time.
You would be surprise how agressif my butterflies are when it comes to feeding time :)

I dont think i will add a thang in this, maybe a little tomini tang but that will be the only tang. Depending on the time of the tangs, i dont think there is any problem to keep them with butterflies. Also, there is so much flow in this tank that as soon as the food is in the tank, its going everywhere so there is not really a competition that should happen as there will be for everyone :)