New member
I've come back to the hobby this year (finally) with a 140 gallon system. Took some time to start sharing the build again for anyone interested. I do like to DIY, mainly because I'm cheap/broke, and then try to incorporate high value inexpensive gear...also because I'm cheap/broke. So here's some screens and video links if anyone wants to watch like I love watching other peoples builds 
If you prefer to watch with my bonehead commentary and get in depth howto on the DIY stuff I do provide in depth content on YouTube under my channel...
Here's the start of the madness with a pile of lumber and tools where the tank is going to go...
I also have a small area in the furnace room for mix station and supplies...
Threw together the tank base easy enough...
Version 1 of fish room
Got the rock cycling in a barrel...
Started DIY'ing an Aquarium Controller...
Version 1 of the controller...(it's in version 3 atm...updates soon). So far it has 12 controlled power outlets, Temperature, 7 switches (floats), LED dimming, timers for anything...soon pH and dosing. Controlled over wifi using a Raspberry Pi.

If you prefer to watch with my bonehead commentary and get in depth howto on the DIY stuff I do provide in depth content on YouTube under my channel...
Here's the start of the madness with a pile of lumber and tools where the tank is going to go...
I also have a small area in the furnace room for mix station and supplies...
Threw together the tank base easy enough...
Version 1 of fish room
Got the rock cycling in a barrel...
Started DIY'ing an Aquarium Controller...
Version 1 of the controller...(it's in version 3 atm...updates soon). So far it has 12 controlled power outlets, Temperature, 7 switches (floats), LED dimming, timers for anything...soon pH and dosing. Controlled over wifi using a Raspberry Pi.
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