150 Gallon Setup


New member
I have a 150 Gallon tank 48x24x26. It has dual overflows on the back corners. I am not keeping SPS. I have a rose anenome(stationary) and some mushrooms and polyps in the tank. What would be good for circulation?
As long as the rose doesn't move and you don't intend to have any long flowing polyped LPS you could use the Stream pumps, you could start with 1 6000 but the ideal would be 2 and a 7095 controller.
errrr, ummm

I think you have a 130 - NOT a 150.

Your measurements are 48x24x26 = 129.662 gallons.
I have that exact footprint >>> 48 x 24 x 30 149.610 gallons.
I just installed two 6000 streams and a 7095 controller.
I put them on the right and left hand corners in the rear of the tank facing the glass making a "V" shape.
These things work great!
Maybe you are measuring incorrectly or you think you have a 150... either way, going by your measurements, you have a 130.


The Gen.