Thanks guys.
I'm thinking on adding a few more fishes over the next 3-4 months (one big fish per month) and I'd like your comments over my fish selection:
- Naso elegans
- Lo magnifica or Siganus uspi
- 2x Hemitaurichthys polylepis
Do you have any other suggestion?
Thanks. I've just noticed that you're from London. As I said on my first post, I lived in London between 2010 and 2012. I lived in Fulham / Putney Bridge, and I still visit London regularly, at least 2 times per year. Can you please tell me one or two LFS in London where you get your top SPS? I'm looking especially for Montipora setosa, which I know you guys there can get it more or less easily.
Nice photo update!
The corals are looking very healthy and your scape and coral placement is very nice.
Looking really good!
Is setosa hard to come across where you're from? It's always interesting how certain species seem to be more common in some areas. Setosa is found in just about every tank here in my area. Generally one of the fundamental red sps pieces
I have a Setosa I can frag for you.
There are nice LFS in the London area. However, AEFW and Redbugs; especially AEFW's is present in many of the systems...I havent bought Acros from LFS's in more than a year. I only swap with or buy from other reefkeepers I trust. If you have a QT system and access to Interceptor, then its not a real issue.
Within London area; Aquatic Design Centre/Reefworks have nice SPS stock. Reefshack is on the outskirts of London; but has very nice SPS at good prices.
Most of my collection though, I obtained by driving around the country.