175 W 10k Bulbs-one is brighter


Professional Stick Gluer
Premium Member
Just wondering if I need to do anything with these new bulbs that I ordered from you. One is burning brighter than the other. The one that is dimmer had a hard time starting as well. It took four or five times to fire the bulb. Just wondering if this is normal or do I have a bad bulb? It isn't much dimmer, but it is noticeable. Thanks.
it is a 10k XM. I switched it with the other one and it is still burning dimmer. It also has a yellow tint to it. My email is flamron @ cox . net minus the spaces.

Leave the bulb on and burning for at least 1 full photo period. Sometimes you get lucky and they "burn in" after a day or so. If not, let us know and we'll help you with the warranty.
Okay, the bulb is didn't change color. It is still yellow/dimmer. Let me know what I need to do. Thanks. BTW, I am going to ship two 15k XM bulbs (returns) to you. Can I ship the 10k xm back with it or do I need to go through XM for the replacement bulb?