I have the dosing module working and installed (mostly anyway). As soon as I do some clean up in the Sketch I will post it. Hardware wise I still need to add the battery for the RTC and pick up another NEMA-17 motor for the other pump.
The Sketch supports dosing three times a day; timing is independent between pumps and volume is independent per dose event. The way it is written it would not be terribly difficult to increase the number of possible events. For me though I think three is good enough for the time being.
After running it a bit I realized I didn't do a good job with laying out the ground plane where the stepper drives and linear regulator are. Both use their ground pins to dissipate heat and I only gave them a tiny thin strip to dump heat into. So they were running warm. Bit of an over site and I should have known better. The fix was pretty simple though. I took some sheet copper and made a small heatsink and ran it down the bit of ground plane between the components. Seems to be working pretty well. You can see it on the board in the pic below.
Here is the dosing module installed in the cabinet below the tank and loaded up with prepared phytoplankton.
The two buttons for each pump are run (left) and reset (right). Run just runs the pump when pushed. Reset resets a volume counter that I included to keep track of how much has been pumped through. The idea being that I can poll for the volume dosed from the controller and know when the bottle is used up.
Right now the bottle is just setting on the bottom of the cabinet. I would like to model up some bottle holders that also mount on the Uni-strut. But I haven't gotten that far yet.
The other big weekend project was to modify the overflows and get them pushing water through a little quicker with less rise during the surge. Here are the stock inserts after a little Dremel work and brush with acetone to smooth out the Dremel/sanding marks.