180 gallon upgrade (skimmerless)

Beach, what kind of sps are you keeping? can you name them? Can you show pictures of your tank? I would like to see it. i'd considered going skimmerless a while back, but i rather not risk it. If you look at many of the TOTM, 80-99% of the them use top notch skimmers like Bubble King, ATB, SWC ect.. They don't go for the cheap skimmers, but really really good ones. I believe that's one of the keys to their success.. However... i could be wrong. ^_^

I am in the market for a new skimmer. I am currently looking into SWC 250 1A. IT'S 750!!!!! What a pain. That's a lot of money for a skimmer.
husky- Not looking for a fight, but i'm open to debate...as long as it doesn't get hostile like some threads do; a few questions for thought. Is there any evidence that skimmers work as they say they do? do they pull out as much nitrates and phosphates as algae, and as much as people think they do? Here's a thread that was done a while back by Eric Borneman about skimmate http://forum.marinedepot.com/Topic52254-9-1.aspx?Highlight=preliminary+look+at+skimmate The biggest problem i have with skimmers is that they pull out small particulate in the water column, and this is food for corals. When you dump reef chili, reef frenzy, cyclop-eez, or any other smaller particulate food it goes straight to the skimmer, and you waste a ton of $$$. (that is if you don't turn off your skimmer for a while when feeding corals) The second is the amount of life that they take out of your tank, copepods, amphipods, polychaete larva, nematodes, all this life could be kept in the tank. Many of them being detrivores. By using an ATS you are able to create a habitat that has a TON of life in it, and it is able to regulate nutrients in the system. Here's a link to a great system that is on an ATS http://forum.marinedepot.com/Topic94112-9-1.aspx As i said before i'm not trying to say that you can't use them or they don't work, just that IMO i don't think they are a necessity and can be somewhat detrimental to a tank (i.e. taking away food for corals)
SLT, I love open discussions. I close loop my return pump to the sump when i feed Reef Chili. I don't know if the skimmer works or not, but the amount of waste they pull out of the tank makes me think otherwise. I don't know if that waste is good or bad for the tank. i am not too happy with the idea of spending $750 on a piece of equipment either.

I would like to see some skimmerless SPS dominated tank, so that, there are something to compare with. I think i'll start a thread on that.
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Thanks guys i can't wait till i can start putting stuff in it. I got my QT tank set up yesterday, and is starting to cycle. In my large tank I'm starting to get my first algae bloom!! :)
Husky- Although this idea isn't new by any means I don't think many people have done just SPS tanks using an ATS or macroalgae for nutrient control. I know a few mixed tanks that use macroalgae, or ATS, or both. My 75 used only cheto, and was a mixed reef tank. My boss has a 180 with ATS like mine, and is SPS dominated and doing great. There is a 180 on here that uses strictly cheto. I think this is an aspect of reef keeping that has been overlooked over the years. Skimmer companies have so much money for advertisment that everyone who has a saltwater aquarium knows about them, and thinks they are a necessity. But enough of my babbling, actions speak louder than words, and within the next few years we'll see how it all turns out :)

On another note, i got the dual ballast shipped out a few days ago and i'm hoping that the two singles will be here sometime next week. I have everything programed on the ACjr. and the tank is running smoothly. I ordered my actinic bulbs this week also so i'll be able to add those to the lighting when they come in. The only other exciting news is that i've seen my first few copepods in my culture!!
Well not much to update exept that the algae is a bloom'n!



Just got some acrylic, and made tops for the copepod culture, and the QT tank. I drilled the top on the culture tank, and used rigid airline tubing so i don't have to have the soft airline tubing taped to the sides :). I think i'm going to start doing WC's on the QT tank tomorrow, i was thinking a gallon a day untill the levels get better. I tested for ammonia and nitrite with my old red sea test kit NH4 was about .25 and NO2 was at .1.

Here's the copepod culture and QT as of today. I have seen copepods on the glass but my digital camera won't get a picture of them :(, going to have to borrow the parents good camera.


And the top of the culture tank drilled with airline tubing inserted


Last but not least, a FTS as of today. The two single ballasts should be here wednesday

Very cool, can't wait to see some life in this tank!

And thank goodness the ballasts are on their way... looks like you have some shaded areas that aren't quite overrun with the brown dingy stuff yet. :D

Do you not put anything in the culture tank for the little pods to hide in?
Thanks jen, yep the diatoms are running amuck in the tank haha. I'm going to put eggcrate in the copepod culture, i just need to get over to a friends house to steal some :)
well it's been a while since i've updated, i got the ballasts in and got the T-5's hooked up. I also redid the rockwork for the third time, and i think i like it now haha.

Here's a FTS


Left side of the new structure




Finally, the right side

Here's a few more pictures....

Left side of the sump


Middle sump




Here's what the actinic supplement looks like in the canopy

Well not much to update on, but i did my first water tests the other day and here's what they look like.....

Red Sea Test Kits

API test kit

S.G.-1.025 (raising to 1.026)

Since everything looked good i decided to go ahead and add a few memebers of my CUC. I work at a pet store so i snatched myself about a half dozen bristle worms, miniature bristle stars, and stomatella snails. I grabbed one cerith snail, and caught 4 amphipods; respectively named "THAT THING" 1,2,3, and 4 :D. I've been doing research on appropriate snails for the reef aquarium, many that are sold in the hobby aren't actually found on the reef and although they may live in our tanks, they aren't best suited so i wanted to find what would be best. I went digging through my resources and found a good article here at chucks website (he's a marine depot memeber/mod) http://www.chucksaddiction.com/cleanupcrew.html After looking at what i'm able to get i decided i'm going to start out with Astralium calcar (ninja star astreas), Turbo argyrostoma (DIBS turbo snail), Cerith snails, and probably some trochus snails from RSF.

I think i've made my mind up about the fish list....

Black Spot Angel (Pair)- Genicanthus melanospilos
6 Line Wrasse (Pair)- Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Midas Blenny (Pair)- Ecsenius midas
Citrus Goby (Pair)- Gobiodon citrinus
Pink Skunk Clown (Pair)- Amphiprion perideraion
Square Spot Anthias (Trio)- pseudanthias pleurotaenia
Purple Firefish (Trio)- Nemateleotris decora
Possum Wrasse- Wetmorella nigropinnata
Yaeyama Blenny- Ecsenius stictus (if i can find one, still looking)
Twinspot Bristletooth Tang-Ctenochaetus binotatus
Nice looking stock list! If I could redo my 180g I would definitely go for pairs/groups of smaller fish rather than the group I've got. Ahh well, live & learn - I'm far too attached to them all to change it now!

Amazing how fast that ATS is dirtying up.
there is a guy here who runs his large mixed reef tank w/ out a skimmer. he used to be a believer of one then put a super small one on his 450 then slowly stopped using it.
Jen- I thought the same thing after a few years of having on 75, and now that I'm upgrading I decided to go for It :-). The ats has really grown a lot faster than I thought it would, guess its doing its job so I'm happy
Biecacka- any chance you have pictures of the tank that you could post? I would love to see how it looksmy friend has a 180 also and runs a setup much like mine its been up for about a year now and is doing great
i will ask him if he has any. he actually runs a company that supports our local hobby group. he grows coral and propegates them (sp) for resell. he uses a skimmer on the tank in the shop but for awhile maybe even still doesnt use one on his personal tanks. also does maintanence and upkeep on ppls tanks and doesnt always recommend a skimmer. ill look
Midas Blenny (Pair)- Ecsenius midas

I was wondering how you will get a pair of blennys? Do they sell them like that or is it a luck of the draw?

Biecacka- that would be great if you could do that

Beachbum- I'm looking more for the luck of the draw, there isn't a way as of right now to tell the difference between males and females. I got a link from ummfish about someone who has luck http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/v...p?f=163&t=1449 I'm going to try and get a large midas blenny, and a small one and see if they will get together at the store :).