180 gallon upgrade (skimmerless)

Skimmer Folks? lol Do a search on big tanks with no skimmer and you will find the Planted tank forum cause thats were your headed.

It does take up to 12 weeks tO rid a tank of cyno and hair algae with a scrubber. But once it's established it will NEVER be seen again! I have recently put an ats on my tank and I am see results even with the poorly made one I have , I do believe if you make a scrubber like it's supposed to be made it will work great.

For you skimmer folks read this
Did you read the rest of the thread? If not you are a clueless naysayer ! Did you read the link ( I doubt it it's just easier to just try to tell me off ya lassy bug)? Most nano tanks don't ever use a skimmer and that are just fine ! What do you consider large? Most tanks with scrubbers are 120 or under , why because the most people don't own a tank much over 150 . And people that have spent a whole lot of $ on a really large tank does not want to do wants not as commonly used.
lol i got some pics of my tank now:
FTS, i have to stop feeding so much, glass turned green 4 hours after i cleaned it lol, ATS isnt mature either

got this hammer with 1 head, now has 4

25+ head duncan for $30

you can sortof see this guy encrusting, bad pic

i think this was sold as a watermelon chalice, but it has grown

started with 4 polyps, now have about 20 in 3 months

he is sensitive to phosphates and nitrates, hes open today

sump shot

cleaned this side a week ago, going to clean the other side today or tomarow
What kind of algea it is on the photo number 6....I have that kind of algea in my tank.
And what kind of animal can eat it ?
I'm sorry to say this but ATS tank is just nasty :deadhorse1:, it's not my taste with all those nasty Algae on the DT and the sump is :eek: . I know ATS tank can be succeed but I rather have a clean DT and sump.
Please don't think that all tanks that use an ATS have algae growing everywhere in their DT. Check out algaescrubbers. Net for some awesome looking tanks. I believe in ATS
All that hair algae takes me back ,i had a battle with the stuff a few years back!

ps i run a skimmerless tank.

regards Colin.
What kind of light you have in the ats?.. is ita a spot light you shoud switch it with cfls with bigger reflectors.. how many wats?.. at tgis point it seems like your tank is outperforming your ats.
Also how much flow u putting thru it?
And dont get disencouraged.. ur scrubber needs a little more attention but it can be done.. i run a 120 with nothingbut a scrubber.
h0bite- its hair algae, can't say what animal will eat it though. My yellow tang ate some of it.

I got GHA when i removed my cheato to replace with an ATS. Waited 2 months before adding an ATS and thats when the GHA sprouted. It got better when the ATS but I became depressed and torn it down. Sold the rock and tank then started completely from scratch. I'm not using a scrubber on my new 75, but i plan to use a home-made SM100 when I set up my 125. They work if set up correctly.

sltloser we need an update! I'm curious if your tank is working.
What your reason not using skimmer ? When i see your last FTS algae's everywhere in the glass it mean it impossible using algae filter only and dsb only. for better solution you must using skimmer as soon as possible
