180g pics after 1 year


New member
Finally figured out how to use my new camera a little and got some pics from my tank. Tank has been set up for just over a year now.
Left side of the tank

middle of the tank

right side

decent pic of 3 of my tangs
Hi sufunk,
I heard about your tank from James. Thanks for posting photos of it since I always had images in my head from what James told me. I guess my brain does not work as good as the real thing!! Great tank. Lots of color. That is what I like. COLOR!!!

Keep up the good work.:thumbsup:
Thank you!

I still cant figure out how to take macro pics with this camera but i was able to get some decent pics of some stuff close to the glass.



Whoa, nice thank!! Keep it up!! I love the colors... If you can keep the pics coming, that would be great. Nice tank.
Thank you everyone!

I started out with probably a little more than half of those rics. I'd say they have almost doubled but not quite.

I dont have many before pics of the tank. I cant get a decent fts. I dont know how you guys get fts that still show detail?

Here's a pic from the very beginning! Man that was alot of $$$$ ago!!!
I cant get a good pic that really shows it's color but this coral or the aussie acan i posted is probably my favorite. This guy when he fully expands is about 14-16" across! He's taken over that entire corner of the tank over the last 4-5 months. The greeen and orange are really bright and sharp in person.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12102563#post12102563 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Its just easier not to kep track. Also healthier!:p

LMAO! Aint that the truth! I stopped counting long ago so that i could sleep at night!