180g Starphire A.G.E on its way!

Nice tank. How long have you had that hammer/frogsqawn(I cant tell the difference from the video)? It is massive.

Thank you kind sir. I've had the hammerhead since the beginning, and it survived my tank crash many years back. I think since 2008? It started as a 3-headed frag :rollface:
Thanks! Glad to see you still around. Did you get out of the hobby?

Not exactly ... moved into new house, got tank up and running. Corals were growing and just when I was about to start the new thread, the tank leaked at the seam!! Had to rip out all cabinets around the tank to get it out for repair. It's finally fixed and back on the stand but I haven't re-plumbed or even had the cabinetry reinstalled. It's tough to get motivated to redo all that work but I'll get it done soon enough.
Wow, impressive. Well good luck tonight. Hope there is no rain.

Thanks man. The sun's starting to peek out :)

Not exactly ... moved into new house, got tank up and running. Corals were growing and just when I was about to start the new thread, the tank leaked at the seam!! Had to rip out all cabinets around the tank to get it out for repair. It's finally fixed and back on the stand but I haven't re-plumbed or even had the cabinetry reinstalled. It's tough to get motivated to redo all that work but I'll get it done soon enough.

awww man, that sucks. Refresh my memory...you went with A.G.E too right?

Your corals growing fast.

They are getting closer to each other, be ready for corals fight lol

They've been fighting. I'm way past trimming corals to keep them from stinging each other. I've decided to let nature take its course. The strongest will survive.

I've given up the battle with the encrusting montis. If I were to do it again, I either wouldn't have any in the tank or let it grow on its own rock off in the corner somewhere. They're pretty invasive.

That huge hammerhead stings/kills any SPS in its path. I was close to selling it, but my heart won't let me since it's been with me since the beginning. The surrounding SPS has learned to grow around the hammerhead.
Good memory ... yup! Bought it from them because their tanks NEVER leak. Well, lesson learned, never say never!

Wow, that's too bad! That's also why I went with them. When I asked Tom if their tanks have ever leaked, he said if mine did, it would be the first ever.

I hope the warranty process went smoothly for you. Did Tom explain to you the cause of the leak?
Yeah guys, I did and still do use an AGE stand. That is correct that they only honor the warranty while using their stand. It was level. The seam leak was due to silicone failure for some unknown reason. At any rate I don't want to derail this thread, I'll eventually update everyone on my situation elsewhere. I'm just happy that your tanks are all doing well!
Looking good Terry. One hell of a mix of tangs you've got there :O

Thanks Jeremy. Some things never change. You guys now I love my tangs :spin1:

Yeah guys, I did and still do use an AGE stand. That is correct that they only honor the warranty while using their stand. It was level. The seam leak was due to silicone failure for some unknown reason. At any rate I don't want to derail this thread, I'll eventually update everyone on my situation elsewhere. I'm just happy that your tanks are all doing well!

Derail my thread? That's the funniest thing :lmao: You must've missed all the SF Giants stuff on the previous page! So please, share. Being that I also have an A.G.E tank, I'd like to know if there's anything I need to look for.

Oh, and FYI Tom is no longer with AGE :(

What? He basically IS A.G.E. How are their tanks/service now that he's gone? Who's taken his spot?
It's been a while. Took an iPhone pic during a break in action during the SF Giants game. I find it funny that my last post on this thread was when they were last in the playoffs :)


Looken Good! Things sure have filled in.
Derail my thread? That's the funniest thing :lmao: You must've missed all the SF Giants stuff on the previous page! So please, share. Being that I also have an A.G.E tank, I'd like to know if there's anything I need to look for.

What? He basically IS A.G.E. How are their tanks/service now that he's gone? Who's taken his spot?

OK, so here's the skinny. Basically, I don't think you need to worry about your tank. Mine leaked around 6 months after it was filled. I think it was a freak event and I still have faith in AGE tanks. After all, if the problem with my tank was more widespread, there would be threads all over the place about AGE failures and warnings about them. But that's not been the case (as far as I know). I was very sad to learn about Tom's departure from AGE, and I agree he WAS that company and was a great guy to work with. The new owner came to my house after I had the cabinets removed and he and his crew removed my tank and took it to their shop where it was repaired and then returned to me at their cost. They didn't cover any other costs, just the transport and repair of my tank; I am responsible for all the other costs associated with dismantling my entire setup, keeping the livestock/rock alive and the eventual replumbing and re-establishment of the tank. And let me tell ya brother, it ain't been cheap! So sure, I have a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth about the whole experience, especially since I was just beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor when the leak occurred. But hey, it could have been worse, as I'm pretty sure I caught the leak within 20 minutes of it occurring. If it had happened 2 days earlier I would have been in the Bahamas and would have come home to an entirely different situation!
You make good points. There would be more stories of failed AGE tanks if it weren't freak. But at the same time, I'm not very active on this forum anymore.

That's too bad it happened, but it sounds like the new owner was helpful in some ways. And I'm especially happy that you caught it while you were home!