1Babies Can Cause Hair Algae Outbreak


Active member
The proof is in the pudding...

In my 12 years of reef keeping, I've never ever had a hair algae outbreak.

Suddenly, the newborn comes along, no water changes for 3 months and boom! Hair algae all over the place.

I wish someone would have warned me! :angry fire:

All kidding aside, will it go away of if I get back to my regular changes? Or do I need to do something more drastic?

Going to restock the CUC tomorrow to help out.
CUC, GFO, and an algae blenny did the trick for me. And my outbreak also came when our baby was born so yeah, I agree with the theory. :lol:

The reefchicks have good prices on cuc.
Damn my sons due in march guess I should start getting ready

lol...yeah, definitely get ready. I'm not gonna say you won't have time for anything else because you will, but if there is anything else you like more than your tank (i.e. - sleeping or exercise), then you might not have time.

Thanks guys...I'll restock the CUC. I've been running GFO for a while so I just have to change it out and get back to WCs. No matter how much GFO you run, there's not enough GFO in the world to wipe the phosphates out of a heavily fed nano without a WC for 3 months. lol.
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